

         I am Yiting Jin, come from Shanghai,China. My friends call me Yolanda. I am in the 2nd year of U of A. So far I have Food and Nutrition as my major and Human Ecology as my minor. I wish I could be a dietiton in the future. ALES204 class is a required course. However,  I am always excited to learn about the world, so having this class make my fall term colorful.

         I am a big fan of regimen. That’s the main reason I choose Nutrition. One important thing in studying nutrition and regimen is communication. Through chatting, we can exchang ideas on how to keep fit, how to make skin look better, how to sleep well etc.  to improve out life quality. Social medias, like twitter, facebook can let us know each other better and have a look into other's life style. Thus we can give advise on their daily life schedule, habbits, diet etc. Yet it is also a good tool to track on patients and remain them to have a healthy life style through short and sweet chat on twitter or on their blog etc. Morever, through communication more people would like to get involved and share their own ideas, which accelerates us to find a nice life quicker and better.  Therefore, communication plays a significant role in nutrition and regimen studing.

         Regards to my career, I would love to go travel the world as soon as I have every condition right, such as money, time and family. I always believe in one sentence: Freedom is not about doing sth you like; it is about not do things that you don’t like. :)

2 条评论:

  1. Hello Yolanda!

    I must say, I went through all of your blogposts and I was very impressed with the amount of work you put into your blog! The background is very original, I love the Halloween theme! I think it is a great idea to put your first language foe your buttons. Definitely makes this page unique to you. Very creative, and I think you did a fantastic job. Great ideas.

    I am commenting on your intro blog post, although I thoroughly enjoyed looking through all of your posts! I wish I had visited this blog sooner in the semester!

    When you commented on my blog I decided to give yours a look too, and am I ever glad I did.

    I am also in the Nutrition and Food Major. It is so neat how many things we can do with this degree. I would like to travel the world too, it would be such a cool experience to view and understand the different cultures and different lifestyles. Different food and activites would be very enlightening to people in our field, I think.

    Thank you for the entertainment, I really enjoyed your blog!


  2. Yes! I agree using different kinds of social media tools such as blogs and twitter help to spread the message of healthy lifestyle to people. And I am glad that you have the same target - being a dietian like me! Hope we can study hard toward our goal together!

    I really like your background of the halloween theme, it is so cute!!!!

    I am so impressed by reading your sentence "Freedom is not about doing sth you like; it is about not do things that you don’t like"!!!!

    I really enjoy reading your blog, it makes my day ; ))))))
