
Let's communicate!

Posted by Savage Chicken. Cartoons on sticky notes by Doug Savage
         I had no interests in managing a blog, since I thought it wastes time and brian cells. So I never had one until I attend ALES204. After then, it means so much fun and useage to me!
         Then I suddenly find how awesome to own a blog and manage it as a company. The very first usage of having a blog is writting and sharing your journals online. Someone once said, tell your happiness to another, you double the happiness; tell your sadness to another, you half your sadness. Isn't that a super wonderful thing to do? Secomdly, blog could help you in finding a job by posting one's infomation which attracts any employer. Also, blog can be used as a display of one's business. I just interviewed Karen Pentland this morning. She is a shoe designer who bases on network to keep all the connection with people and gets her business running smoothly. Furthermore, blog advs. and display doesn't cost you anything. Isn't that such a brilliant thing to do? Thirdly, blog is a tool for sharing ideas when we full play the comment part. Here are some comments that I made on some others' blog. It's like a reverse chatting way.

2. http://shuhuai1015.blogspot.com/2011/11/my-wikipedia-article.html?showComment=1322691865503#c4331899041629858604
3. http://tjcarl.blogspot.com/2011/11/home-agricultural-food-and-nutritional.html?showComment=1322692263703#c5236726325160550785
4. http://samanthachambersales204.blogspot.com/2011/09/first-blog-post.html?showComment=1322692737457#c467361659945082043
5. http://kmclean.blogspot.com/2011/09/public-speaking-fear-of-many.html?showComment=1322693538690#c3083695903095220815

          As we can see, blogs have so much to do with it also they will give you much more fun than you ever expected! So don't wait, get a blog and start to communicate with the world!


Copyright! What's copyright?

             Copyright is commonly known as "'Intellectual property". Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works” both published and unpublishes. It includes literary, dramatic,  artistic, musical and certain other intellectual creations. Copyright is not used to protect ideas but the specific and original expression of the idea. A good example of this is that there is a hero defeats the devil and save the world.  We have seen many movies like this, spiderman, superman, ironman etc.This theme cannot be monopolised, but original works to it can be.

Posted July 18,2007 in Baseball, Copyright Law, Drawing, Erik's Favorites,
How To, MIT by @ ErikJHeels (http://erikjheels.com/803.html)
         There are 3 big Myths about copy right.
1. "It is not copyrighted unless it has a copyright notice." It could be true in the past but today nearly all major countries follows the Berne copyright convention. A correct form for a notice is: "Copyright [dates] by [author/owner]". A C in a circle ©  can be used instead of "Copyright".
2. "It doesn't hurt anybody but to help advertise." You can never tell wthether the auther is hurt or not.  Also, it is up to the onwer to decide if he wants any advise. Even if you can't think of how the author or owner gets hurt, think about the fact that piracy on the net hurts everybody who wants a chance to use this wonderful new technology to do more than read other people's flamewars.
3. “ So copyright violation is not a crime?”  Actually, the USA commercial copyright violation involving more than 10 copies and value over $2500 was made a Actually, in the 90s in the USA commercial copyright violation, a felony involves more than 10 copies and value over $2500 was made. Yet, you cannot throw someone in jail by posting your chatting record.

           By reading others' blogs,  I like Kylie Mclean's blog a lot. We  an see she has a photo in each blog post. However, by reading carefully, we see there are couple small lines under each picture that she used. These are cites to state where she got these pictures and who they belong to.  Obviously, she has a great awareness of "copyright". As we know, the copyright includes in various field, such as movies, books, journals, photos, music etc. Let's have a look at the website"flicker" which is used to share photos. There is a specific section for copyrighting one's photo. After that, this photo cannot be download or edit or for another usage. It is very glad to see people start to pay an increasing attention on the important "copyright".
Posted by Barefoot Contessa


Don't kill others with PPT

              This is such a fun and meaningful vedio to watch! I just find them on Youtube by typing ket works "Killed by PPT". Power Point is like our presentation assistant that we students, teachers and other businessmen need a lot. It is a useful and easy asseccable tool that people would usually use to give a presentation. However, one well-prepared presentation could be ruined by a poor-quality Power Point. It could be either the slides doesn't make sense or makes too much sense.

               First of all, let's start with doesn't make sense. When the context lacks of its own structure, it could be very hard for your audiences to follow which result in they giving up in listening to you since they cannot figure out where should they be at the moment your mouth is moving like 10times pre second. Also, if what you are trying to say is not convinceable, others would be very likely pay little attention on your presentaton, although you are speaking super fluently. Since they have no willing to accept the message that you are trying to convey.Thirdly, try the best to list out these key point in bullet form. I would say your audiences won't remember all the words that typed anyway.

               On the other hand, too many charts, too many animation effects in the power point and a long time scale presentation will let the presentation do not make sense. Charts and tables making depends on one's specific knowledge field, which means others may not really get the idea with these terminologies. However, while you are trying to explain what's going among numerous charts, you are getting a decreasing attention. Additonally, a proper animation effect can cause audiences' interests. On the other hand, too much usage animation effect can result in listerners' visual fatigue. Time control is also a significant factor to a successful presentation. Professional speaking, a person can only give a full-play concentration for 35 minutes. Therefore, delete the information that has no necessarity.
                By looking at others' blogs, I find it is also a way of presentation. As for Ninfa Garay , she has a well-organized blog context with one picture for each post. Words statements combined with a related picture makes a better understanding form the readers. Furthermore, she uses a clean background and lists all her blog post in order. Each post has regular amount of paragraphs which impresses me a lot. In conclusion, a good presentation consists of a person's effect, also the power point quality.
                                                 Figure1. Original Artist.
                                                 Reproduction rights to obtainable from


My very first wikipedia editing

It was such an exciting experience to edit on Wikipedia. I found so many interesting choice in the list of stub, that I couldnot decide which one to pick up. I am always want to know more different cultures from various area, so I chose the "Culture". My studying majo, rFood and Nutrition, made me clik on "Food and Drinks". After comparing each of thes subtitle and recall what I learnt in the Univeristy last year, I would love to add more information in the "Natural Brown Sugar" artileI would have a better knowledge about these intergradients.

The editing process had much more fun than I expected. First of all, instead of giving more accurte and attractive information which I am going to share with the wikipedia community, I have to do some "homework". So I looked up into my last year's Nutrition 100 text book, highlighted these Nutral Brown Sugar related text. Secondly, I searched online to see if I can get more valued article about Natural Sugar. Several amazing websits came out, such as "Sugar India, Canesugar Specialsts Science 1932" and "NB Community, Natural Skin Care Recipes". It was good to know that Natural Brown Suagr is catergorized as "Healthy Food" which was produced without any harmful chemical process. Additionally, they contains valuable nutrients such as Calcium, Phosphate and Iron etc. What's surprising to find was that Nutral Brown Suagr can be used not only as intergradients in food (http://www.sugarindia.com/rebrown16.html) but also as skin care. You can have homemade facial scrubs which is cheap, natural and healthy. How could I not share this great news with everyone!

So I started my editing. The typing and the editing part was not that hard. Yet, the link making annoyed me. At the very first place, I didn't have any idea about how to make couple words contains a link. By looking at the previous text, they all have different highlighted words which linked with the further helpful website. I tried to solve this problem through making phonecalls and asking some people who were experienced in dealing with computer. However, I ended up with failing. Then I decided to go on the website and google "How to make link while editing wikipeida". Combing couple websites teaching and went through what the previous editor did in his/her editing, I figured out that there's a sequence of code and  symbols that I have to type within the article. Seeing my success in making a link of several words in my editing, I believe I did a great job!

Here's my edited article about the "Nutural Brown Sugar" and I uploaded this picture from my flicker.
Also, I tagged my photo as for;ALES204, Natural Brown Sugar and wikipedia editing.

While I am so happy about my work in wikipedia, I want to go through others blog about this article too. However, I haven't find someone who has done it already, seems I am at the head :-) Yet, some people do have amazing blog that I love their arrangment very much. Such as Jamie Desautels, she has great pictures that she got from daily life which is very impressive and attractive. I would love to have my camera with me all the time too! I can always learn something new through others' blogs which is fun and practical.