
Copyright! What's copyright?

             Copyright is commonly known as "'Intellectual property". Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works” both published and unpublishes. It includes literary, dramatic,  artistic, musical and certain other intellectual creations. Copyright is not used to protect ideas but the specific and original expression of the idea. A good example of this is that there is a hero defeats the devil and save the world.  We have seen many movies like this, spiderman, superman, ironman etc.This theme cannot be monopolised, but original works to it can be.

Posted July 18,2007 in Baseball, Copyright Law, Drawing, Erik's Favorites,
How To, MIT by @ ErikJHeels (http://erikjheels.com/803.html)
         There are 3 big Myths about copy right.
1. "It is not copyrighted unless it has a copyright notice." It could be true in the past but today nearly all major countries follows the Berne copyright convention. A correct form for a notice is: "Copyright [dates] by [author/owner]". A C in a circle ©  can be used instead of "Copyright".
2. "It doesn't hurt anybody but to help advertise." You can never tell wthether the auther is hurt or not.  Also, it is up to the onwer to decide if he wants any advise. Even if you can't think of how the author or owner gets hurt, think about the fact that piracy on the net hurts everybody who wants a chance to use this wonderful new technology to do more than read other people's flamewars.
3. “ So copyright violation is not a crime?”  Actually, the USA commercial copyright violation involving more than 10 copies and value over $2500 was made a Actually, in the 90s in the USA commercial copyright violation, a felony involves more than 10 copies and value over $2500 was made. Yet, you cannot throw someone in jail by posting your chatting record.

           By reading others' blogs,  I like Kylie Mclean's blog a lot. We  an see she has a photo in each blog post. However, by reading carefully, we see there are couple small lines under each picture that she used. These are cites to state where she got these pictures and who they belong to.  Obviously, she has a great awareness of "copyright". As we know, the copyright includes in various field, such as movies, books, journals, photos, music etc. Let's have a look at the website"flicker" which is used to share photos. There is a specific section for copyrighting one's photo. After that, this photo cannot be download or edit or for another usage. It is very glad to see people start to pay an increasing attention on the important "copyright".
Posted by Barefoot Contessa

1 条评论:

  1. Yolanda, I loved the animation! It was so cute and explained what copyright was in a fun way. I already commented on another one of your posts, but I want you to know just how much I love your blog!

    You put in so much work into it, and the images are good but the videos were wonderful. You really took what we learned in class and made it into a really entertaining blog!
